Loss of eyesight is something that tends to happen gradually to most people as they age. But if you are tired of having to increase the strength of your contact lenses or glasses every single year, there’s another option you might want to consider. More and more people today are opting for corrective eye surgery thanks to the success of procedures like Lasik. Here are three reasons why you might want to consider getting corrective eye surgery.…
If you don’t see your OBGYN as often as you should, it’s time to make the task a priority. There are many good reasons to schedule regular OBGYN appointments. Here are just a few reasons why it’s so important.
Catch Underlying Issues Early
Seeing your OBGYN on a regular basis will help ensure that any underlying health issues you may have are caught early so that you can be treated quickly and effectively.…
Your ears are amazing organs. Not only are they responsible for helping to collect and process sound, they play an integral role in helping you maintain your balance each day. Problems within the ear can lead to dizziness. Mild bouts of dizziness are often overlooked by those who experience them, but people who have frequent or ongoing dizziness could turn to self-help techniques for relief. It’s important that you leave the treatment of dizziness to a trained audiologist to prevent potential complications that might make your condition worse.…
Most people don’t give a second thought to their feet on a daily basis. They take for granted that their feet will get them from point A to point B with no trouble or problem. However, when you wake up one morning with pain in one of your toes, you may find yourself dealing with an ingrown toenail. Ingrown toenails are quite common afflictions and most people will have at least one in their lifetime.…
Although surfing is a great way to get outdoors and exercise, it is not without risks. One of the greatest risks when you surf on a regular basis is damage to your ears. You are at a greater risk of ear infection, otitis external, and exostosis. These three ear conditions can be uncomfortable and even lead to hearing loss.
Wear Ear Plugs
When you hit the waves, make sure that you have special ear plugs on hand.…
If you’re going to be having cataract surgery, you’ll want to start planning for the recovery period. In most cases, the procedure will be done on an out-patient basis, which means you’ll head home shortly after surgery. However, you’ll still need to take some precautions once you get home. Taking it easy for a few days, and protecting your eyes during the recovery period, will help prevent post-operative complications. Here are four tips that will help you protect your eyes while you recover from cataract surgery.…
Stem cell joint therapy is a medical advancement aimed at making the body perform better and more pain-free due to a variety of illnesses, conditions, or injuries. Stem cell joint therapy involves injecting your current healthy stem cells into an area of your body where stem cells are needed, thus improving your chances of healing or dealing with a chronic pain condition more successfully.
Stem cell joint therapy is beneficial to you as it can keep you from having to have surgery to repair swollen or damaged joints (and other tissue in the body), or can help you heal more rapidly if you have recently had surgery.…
It is natural for health problems to develop as humans grow older. If you are an elder with health problems that requires certain things being done, it can be stressful getting by each day without assistance. For instance, a survivor of a stroke might need assistance when it comes to something as simple as brushing your hair. You can contact a home medical care agency to assist with some of your daily needs if you don’t want to rely on loved ones all the time.…
Bee sting allergies are a serious threat to the health and safety of children. Unfortunately, parents may not realize their child is allergic to bee stings until they actually receive a sting and begin to exhibit frightening symptoms, such as hives, swelling, or difficulty in breathing.
Since many stings take place near the home or on outings to parks and recreation areas, parents can reduce the chances of their child receiving a bee sting by following a few proactive tips.…