3 Reasons Why You Should Rely On Professional Treatment For Dizziness
Your ears are amazing organs. Not only are they responsible for helping to collect and process sound, they play an integral role in helping you maintain your balance each day. Problems within the ear can lead to dizziness. Mild bouts of dizziness are often overlooked by those who experience them, but people who have frequent or ongoing dizziness could turn to self-help techniques for relief. It's important that you leave the treatment of dizziness to a trained audiologist to prevent potential complications that might make your condition worse. Here are three reasons not to self-treat dizziness:
1. Migration
One of the side effects you might experience when turning to self-treatment is migration. There are a number of small particles within the canals of your ear. These particles move in relation to the orientation of your body to help your brain determine which direction you are heading.
Many of the sudden and jerky movements recommended by self-help websites and videos to treat dizziness can cause some of these particles to get dislodged. Particles can migrate from their original canal into a neighboring canal.
Migration can intensify your dizziness and bring on feelings of nausea as well. An audiologist can safely and effectively correct your dizziness without causing particle migration.
2. Vertebral Artery Damage
Some people begin experiencing dizziness following a fall or other type of accident. Engaging in self-treatment for your dizziness without taking orthopedic concerns into account could result in serious damage to your vertebral artery.
The vertebral artery runs along the back of your neck and provides a significant amount of blood and oxygen to your brain. This artery can become compressed during an accident. The wrong movement could sever the artery, resulting in blood loss and serious medical complications.
Trained audiologists always check for potential alignment problems near the vertebral artery before beginning treatment for dizziness to ensure the artery is not damaged.
3. Canalith Jam
In the process of moving particles that have migrated from one canal to another within your ear, some particles can become stuck in the wrong position. This results in a condition known as a canalith jam.
A canalith jam occurs when stuck particles continually stimulate the membranes within the ear. This stimulation causes even more dizziness. An audiologist has the knowledge and training required to recognize when particles are stuck in the wrong position. Your audiologist will use safe and effective maneuvers to physically force the particles back into their proper position.
For more information contact audiologists like Mark Montgomery MD FACS.