Everyone gets an itch occasionally. In most cases, the sensation will go away on its own. However, sometimes there’s a dermatological issue underlying your itchy skin. Finding the cause of the problem is important if it persists. In the meantime, here are four things you can do to soothe your itchy skin.
1. Take a cool bath or shower.
Heat can exacerbate the feeling of itchiness, especially if you begin to sweat.…
Your ears are amazing organs. Not only are they responsible for helping to collect and process sound, they play an integral role in helping you maintain your balance each day. Problems within the ear can lead to dizziness. Mild bouts of dizziness are often overlooked by those who experience them, but people who have frequent or ongoing dizziness could turn to self-help techniques for relief. It’s important that you leave the treatment of dizziness to a trained audiologist to prevent potential complications that might make your condition worse.…
You have likely heard of vaginal rejuvenation but might have some questions about it. There is a lot of misinformation out there about the procedure and its results. To help you with determining if vaginal rejuvenation is right for you, here is the truth about a few myths you heard about the procedure:
Vaginal Rejuvenation Is Only Beneficial for Male Partners
Some people mistakenly believe that the only person who benefits from the procedure is the male partner of the woman.…
The road to recovery after a knee replacement procedure can be a long one filled with ups and downs. Recovering from a knee replacement involves pain management, physical therapy, and a lot of patience. After a knee replacement, once-simple tasks such as taking a shower or just walking from one room to another can be impossible without assistance for at least six weeks. However, a stay in a short-term rehab facility, also called a skilled nursing facility, can make this recovery time much easier physically and psychologically and even help you recover more quickly.…
Trying to get along with your husband may be a huge problem in your marriage if he is passive-aggressive. A passive-aggressive man has a very hard time solving problems, primarily because he interprets everything you say as a criticism. If you are living with a husband like this, here are three tips to help you get along and have the ability to state your feelings.
Understand the traits
A passive-aggressive man believes he can do nothing right, even though this is not true.…
If you and any other members of your family have suffered from back pain at some point, your local chiropractor’s office number might be on speed dial. Regardless of whether you or a family member is currently receiving chiropractic care, it’s always a good idea to perform some regular stretches that can keep the back muscles loose and lessen the risk of back pain. If you find that sticking to a stretching routine can be a challenge, it’s worthwhile to think about some partner stretches.…
While few working adults are happy to hear the sound of their morning alarm, if your first thoughts upon waking involve dread at having to go to a workplace that has become stressful or even toxic, you may be investigating anything that will help make your workplace more bearable until you can transfer to another job. Fortunately, there are a number of natural mood boosters and stress relievers that can help you work out your feelings without launching into a tirade against supervisors or coworkers.…
When you are an athlete, the last thing you want is to suffer a chronic condition like Achilles tendinopathy, in which you feel weakness and pain in your calf and Achilles tendon. However, if you do discover that you have developed Achilles tendinopathy, your next concern is likely trying to figure out what podiatric sports medicine can do to help you treat your condition and stay on your feet and on the court.…
When you have been experiencing chronic back pain, it is a relief to finally find out what is causing the trouble. However, when you learn that you have spinal stenosis, you may not know what treatment options are available to you. Luckily, there are several different treatments available for spinal stenosis, both through conventional and alternative or homeopathic medicine. Get to know some of these treatment options and you will be well on your way to feeling better and overcoming your chronic back pain (or at least getting it under control).…
If you’re a woman, you need to protect your gynecological health. If you do, you’ll be able to have positive overall health, boost your sexuality and maintain your reproductive capability. By taking full advantage of your gynecological health, you will be a better person and will be more informed about the happenings of your body. If you want to learn the best ways to safeguard your reproductive health with practical advice, read the following guidelines.…