Protect Your Home And Health Through Asbestos Inspection And Removal

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When it comes to owning a building, there are a number of red flags that you always want to steer clear of. Asbestos is one of these harmful substances and should be identified and removed as quickly as possible. Here is more information about the harm asbestos causes, how to spot it, and what you can do about it.

What is asbestos and why is it harmful?

Asbestos is a type of fiber that occurs naturally in the environment. This comes in six different forms, including amosite, chrysotile, tremolite, actinolite, anthopylite and crocidolite. While these fibers are naturally occurring, they are incredibly dangerous if you breathe them in. The reason for this is that your body has a difficult time breaking it down and it spawns diseases like cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. This fiber is often found in older building materials, which is why people tend to come in contact with it in older homes and work places. For the betterment of your health, you should be vigilant about avoiding this fiber and inspecting your building to make sure you don't come in contact with it. 

How do I find out if I have asbestos?

People whose homes were built before 1980 will be at a great risk of dealing with asbestos, as building codes and specifications were different back then. Rather than just looking for it in some of the most common places asbestos is found, such as tiles, wood burning stoves, and ceiling components, you will need to hire a licensed and insured professional to look into it for you. When they come to your building to give you an inspection, they'll have to take a sample off to the lab to make sure that they are giving you a proper diagnosis. From here, you'll need to work and make sure that you get rid of asbestos. 

How do I get rid of asbestos?

First and foremost, you'll need to make sure that you are able that your contractor is certified with the state Occupational Safety and Health Administration board requirements, to know that they have the tools and techniques in place. From here, you'll need to get them to come to your property and conduct the removal process. This will typically cost between $400 to $800 for an inspection, between $25 and $75 for lab work and $1,500 to $3,000 to get it removed. Ask about payment plans if your budget is tight, and shop around for the best price, but never avoid this repair. Your health depends on it, so never ignore this issue. 

Take advantage of this information, so that you are able to keep your building safe and sound. Visit sites like for more information.
