Do You Need A Prostate Exam? 3 Signs That Point To Yes!

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It is recommended that men visit their primary care physicians to schedule a prostate exam when they reach 50 years of age. However, this is for men of average risk. For men who are African American or have a history of prostate cancer in their families, they should schedule prostate screenings as early as 40 years of age. Of course, regardless of age, there are a few signs that could indicate that it is time for you to see your doctor about your prostate. This article will describe those three signs.

Changes in Your Bladder

Have you noticed that you have been going to the bathroom more frequently (to urinate, that is), particularly during the night? If so, it may be a good idea to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician. Aside from an overactive bladder, you should be concerned if you notice that you are having trouble controlling your urine flow, a weakened stream of urine, burning sensation when urinating, or blood in the urine.  

Discomfort in Your Pelvis

There are numerous symptoms of prostate cancer—early and late—but one of the late symptoms include pelvis bone discomfort and pain. The cancer will spread, resulting in pain throughout the pelvis, in addition to other areas including the hips, lower back, and upper thighs. If you begin to experience discomfort and/or pain in any of these areas, particularly if you are 50 years of age or older, it is imperative that you schedule a prostate exam with your healthcare provider to rule out the possibility of prostate cancer.

Leading a High-Risk Lifestyle

While inherited genes can cause you to get prostate cancer, there are certain things that can increase your risk of developing prostate cancer. These risk factors include things like age, obesity, exposure to chemicals, diet, and lifestyle. Men are more at risk of developing prostate cancer if they are obese, eat a high-fat dairy diet, consume red meat, and lead a primarily inactive lifestyle. Obviously, you cannot do anything about your age, but you can lead a healthier, safer life to reduce your overall risk of getting prostate cancer and lowering your risk of dying from it if you are diagnosed.

When prostate cancer is in its early stages, there may be no prostate cancer symptoms shown at all. Therefore, it is imperative that you talk to your doctor about annual prostate exams if you notice any of the aforementioned prostate cancer symptoms and/or as soon as you are of age, depending on your medical history. 
